Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) SURVEILLANCE
What is AFP surveillance?
•Detect any case of AFP <>
Standard Case Definition Acute Flaccid Paralysis
Any patient under 15 years of age with acute, flaccid paralysis; or any person in whom a clinician suspects polio.
Onset of paralysis during last six months to be included as a case of AFP.
Plan for covering special population
•Same populations are often missed by the routine as well as SIAs
–Religious minority groups
–Multi-storied building (flats)
– Fishermen colonies
–Pavement dwellers
–Slum dwellers
–People with working hours that do not coincide with team visits
–People living in peri-urban areas
•Identify all such populations and ensure they are included in micro plans for coverage during each round.
Migrant Population
•Construction sites
»IT Parks
»Railway gauge conversion
»Road construction
»Bridge construction
•Brick kiln, quarry, etc
•Nomads – Narikuravas,
Migratory populations - Actions
•Identification of clusters with migratory populations from Bihar/ UP
•Mapping such areas
•Focus during PPI campaigns
•Plan for special polio campaign during March, 2008
•Plan for routine immunization.