- Medical Audit
Official Examination and Verification of Accounts or Dealings
Medical Audit
Evaluation of Medical Care through retrospective analysis of Medical Records or prospective follow up of patients suffering from a particular disease by treating doctors and his team.
Pre Requisites of Medical Audit
To be carried out by fair and impartial clinicians who are thoroughly conversant with the current practice of medicine. The impetus must come from the Medical staff themselves, realising the benefits to the patients and themselves. A good system of Medical Record keeping preferably with a trained medical record Librarian. Well defined disease related criteria.
Process of Medical Audit
Analysis of the records of the discharged patients
Finding out the deficiencies, errors, omissions and commissions on these.
To Ensure that the management of individual case on a particular diagnosis conforms to the prescribed standards.
A group of patients suffering from a disease is followed up by treating doctors and his team.
Criteria Development
Step 1.
Selection of the Diagnosis to be studied by audit or utilisation committee.
Step 2.
Develop the criteria
i) Indicators for admission
ii) Hospital services recommended for optimal care
iii) Range of length of stay and indicators for discharge
iv) Complications as a result of treatment procedures.
Medical Audit of Infant Death
Line listing of all cases
Case investigation from against medical advice (AMA) discharge cases should also be investigated.
u Verbal Autopsy at field level
u Verbal determination of the non-clinical causes of death.
u Verbal reporting of background characteristics
u Medical Audit at institutional Level
Analyse the information collected
Find out the Medico Social cause
Discuss with staff and community members to prevent such deaths in future.